Smart Key Evolution
Version 0: Brain storming
Version 1: Original: “Rainbow Keys”, based on Emily’s idea. Colour only, in ROYGBIV order.​
Version 2: Added letter of note.
Version 3: Added Braille for the visually impaired.​
Version 4: Added distinct textures for each note for kinesthetic/tactile learners.​
Version 5: Changed colour scheme from rainbow to current version based on Ms. Seun’s input regarding standardized music colours. Changed name from “Rainbow Keys” to “Smart Keys”.​
Version 6: Made “Smart Keys Slim”. Reduced the thickness of the keys by 50% to save material and keep a lower profile for better ergonomics. Also tried another iteration in which the key profile was further reduced, but it presented problems in the printing process.​
Version 7 (Current): Based on feedback from experienced players, we made all edges rounded for a smoother user experience and easier transition to regular piano keys.​
Version 8: Changed “A” to purple to make Smart Keys compatible with Chrome Music Lab. ​ Used coloured filament for durability. Paint wore off quickly.​